What is God’s Story of Hope?


The Bible is without a doubt the most important book in history. But many people do not know the Big Story contained in its pages. From beginning to end, the Bible tells us where we come from, why we are here, where we are going, and what it means for our lives today. It is a story in which we are all taking part--whether we know it or not!

In the pages that follow you will learn the Big Story of the Bible. The Bible is a big book, but the key events in the story are presented to help us understand the big picture. Each story comes from a particular passage of Scripture. If you hover your mouse over the Scripture references, the verses will display so you can read them. 

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Important Note:

The material that follows comes from the booklet, The Story of Hope published by the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. Find out more about this ministry at www.abwe.org and about the Good Soil evangelism ministry at www.goodsoil.com