Joining Calvary Remotely


Timeline for Sunday Mornings:

10:15am: Live stream "stand by" will go live with a video loop and music

10:30-10:45am: Live images and videos from the service will go live


How to Access the Sunday Live Stream


We will be streaming on two platforms, primarily. You can access the live stream through our public Facebook page, located at You must have a Facebook account to access this option, which should not be an issue for most users. 


If you do not have Facebook, but you can access YouTube, you can also find our livestream there. Our channel is called cbcjspa, or you can simply use the search feature to find our live stream. 


The audio for the service is also accessible with only a touch tone phone. Please pay attention to the information below in order to access the audio via phone (or print this and share it with someone who can make use of it!). 

Follow these instructions to access the live stream by phone. 
  1. Dial (415) 762-9988 or (301) 715-8592 or (929) 205-6099 (any of those numbers will work)
  2. Enter the Meeting ID when prompted: "726-018-045 #"
    • If this meeting ID does not work, please make sure you entered it correctly
    • If it still is not working, use the following ID: "919-988-2310 #"
  3. When prompted for a participant number, press the # key

This service is provided through 

If you need help accessing any of these options, please contact Pastor Ryan